
Putting Modernism All over the Map: The Bauhaus and Weimar Politics

New Cultures of Work: A Syllabus
The Tower and the Plant

Typography, Automation, and the Division of Labor: A Brief History

The Power of Design as a Dream of Autonomy

American Graphic Design in the 1990s: Deindustrialization and the Death of the Author

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New Cultures of Work
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Clube do Livro do Design interview

Perform—Produce interview

Putting Modernism All over the Map: The Bauhaus and Weimar Politics

For a Labor History of Typography

Eye on Design interview

WIZ* #2 with Silvio Lorusso

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I am a design historian interested in design’s relationship to histories of labor, technology, and capital. I studied graphic design in the late 1990s and graduated in 2000; a few years later, I dropped out of the profession to concentrate on activist publishing projects. For most of the next two decades, I juggled precarious employment and two graduate degrees. Then in 2022, I completed my dissertation on graphic design theory and the history of automation. My writing has appeared in Amalgam, Jacobin, Post45, and the recent collection After the Bauhaus, Before the Internet: A History of Graphic Design Pedagogy.

I currently work as a visiting associate professor at the UIC School of Design. I also maintain an active (but slow) practice in editorial and book design. If you have questions about my research or ideas for a potential collaboration, don’t hesitate to get in touch.

fall/winter updates: Rebecca Wilkinson and I performed “Composition: Design and the Division of Labor” for the New Arguments lecture series at St. Edward’s University. • Teaching resources from Chicago Designs: Teaching Community-Based Histories, a workshop I co-organized this summer, are now available online. • Brazil’s Clube do Livro do Design has republished two of my essays under the title Automação e Autonomia: Dois Ensaios sobre Design.

This site was designed and built by Jacob Lindgren.